Enel places SDG Linked Bond

Enel Finance International (EFI), the Dutch subsidiary of Enel has launched a bond is linked to the achievement of the UN Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs), the Group’s first “General Purpose SDG Linked Bond” issued on the European market.

The issuance, on the European market, is worth €2.5bn and follows Enel’s SDG-linked bond placement in the US in September 2019 for a total of $1.5 billion, as well as the three previous green bonds issued by EFI on the European market, for a total of €3.5bn.

Enel CFO Alberto De Paoli said, “There is a clear link between sustainability and value creation, as by investing in environmentally and socially sustainable projects companies can secure high profitability and minimise risks while contributing to the achievement of SDGs. We are confident that companies will increasingly embrace this model, orienting their businesses towards an overall strategy that places sustainability at the core of their investment and financing decisions.”

The bond was almost four times oversubscribed, with total orders of about €10bn and the issue is expected to be listed on the Irish Stock Exchange.

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