FTSE Russell updates Green Revenues model

FTSE Russell has launched its enhanced Green Revenues 2.0 Data Model, which measures the green revenue exposure of more than 16,000 listed companies across 48 developed and emerging markets. This represents 98.5 per cent of the total global market value of listed companies.

A green ‘tiering’ system is applied to determine net environmental impact based on seven environmental objectives, recognising that green revenues come in lighter and darker ‘shades’. The data model can also be used for a growing number of regulatory reporting needs, including climate performance against Task Force on Climate-related Financial Disclosures (TCFD) requirements and EU Taxonomy regulation.

FTSE Russell’s Green Revenues data model was originally launched in 2015 and serves as the underlying data to London Stock Exchange’s Green Economy Mark -awarded to London listed companies with over 50 per cent of green revenues. Launched in 2019. The data model is also used to underpin several prominent index series including the FTSE Russell TPI Climate Transition index and the FTSE Environmental Markets Index series.

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