Hubbub has launched a manifesto of policies seeking to ensure that the UK makes a sustainable recovery from COVID-19.
Greenprint for a Better Britain covers various areas such as food, transport, fashion and recycling, and have been developed in consultation with businesses, local government and charities.
Hubbub believes that the pandemic and prolonged lockdown have demonstrated that many of the systems we’ve come to rely upon are not sustainable, resilient or fair. As a result of extensive public polling to understand the public mood, there is an opportunity to rethink the structure the country, society and economy. Taking the results of the polling to workshops with over 200 influential businesses and organisations, Hubbub has now created a range of policy proposals to help create a better Britain.
The Greenprint contains ten key policy asks to help Britain undertake a greener recovery, including introducing mandatory measures, such as environmental requirements for new housing developments and requiring all major retailers to independently measure and report annual food waste levels.
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