A new report from the REA has found that jobs in renewable energy and clean technology could increase by 85 per cent in 10 years.
With effective Government support, over 100,000 new green jobs could be created, with a fifth of these located in the North of England – a former carbon intensive hot spot.
Employment in the renewables and clean technology industry stood at 128,954 in 2017/18 but could grow to 238,000 by 2030, but it will require support, following a disappointing year for the sector that saw an increase in employment of only 1.5 per cent in 2018 amid a series of subsidy cuts in the solar PV industry. The recent Budget, reversal of onshore wind policy and legislation for net-zero are likely, however, to accelerate employment growth.
Dr Nina Skorupska CBE, chief executive of the REA said of the Budget: “This Budget provides some welcome fiscal support for the renewable energy and clean technology; there are clear steps in the right direction especially around the green gas obligation consultation, extension of the domestic RHI, carbon capture and storage, decarbonising transport and R&D funding.”
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