Sharma seeks an end to coal addiction

Alok Sharma calls for the world to end its reliance on coal and switch to renewable power.

The COP26 President-Designate Alok Sharma is calling for countries to make a “consistent and concerted effort” to limit global warming, enable communities and natural habitats to adapt to the impacts of climate change, mobilise climate finance, and deliver action.

Sharma notes: “Because if we are serious about 1.5 degrees, Glasgow must be the COP that consigns coal to history… we are working directly with governments, and through international organisations. To end international coal financing. This is a personal priority. And to urge countries to abandon coal power, with the G7 leading the way.”

Describing coal as “old technology” Sharma has held up the UK’s stance as an example, noting that in 2012 40 per cent of electricity came from coal, within nine years this is now sitting at 2 per cent and falling, with a complete phase out of coal power by 2024.

“Indeed going green and boosting prosperity are not mutually exclusive, over the last 30 years British governments have grown our economy by 78 per cent while cutting emissions by 44 per cent,” he added.

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