Choose your categories
A completed entry will include:
1. Entry Form
2. 100 Word Company Profile
3. 100 Word Summary
4. 1000 Word Submission
5. Company Logo
1. Energy Tech - Generation
This award will acknowledge advances in the production of cleaner energy, whether this be in terms of expanded operations or new technologies – wind, solar, biomass are likely contenders, and judges will look for expansion and forward planning. Enter here
2. Green Energy Generation - National
The judges will be seeking evidence of not just an existing operation but a commitment to the future of clean energy supply and carbon reduction within its operations. Enter here
3. Energy Tech - Innovation
We are looking for new ways in which energy is generated, stored or transmitted. New energy efficient devices and smart systems to reduce consumption. Any and all methods are eligible in this category, but the entry needs to be a truly new innovative product or service. Enter here
4. Carbon Capture
A special category for one of the most exciting and needed developments in combatting climate change – whether it be mechanical extraction or simply tree planting, any method that can demonstrate carbon capture and reduction is valid. Enter here
5. Green Energy Supplier of the Year
Energy must be connected from the source to the user, and in this competitive field innovation and service mark out the winners. We will look not only at these offerings, but seek evidence of how ‘green’ this energy really is and operations that go beyond the requirements to create a cleaner world. Enter here
6. Infrastructure Finance Initiative
The move to renewables has been rapid, but in order to build momentum new infrastructure needs to be developed and financed by bold and enterprising finance companies. We want to reward the best and most visionary companies that we making things happen through finance. Judges will want to see both past track records as well as the vision of the future each company can give. Enter here
7. Renewable Investment Company of the Year
This is for companies that have not only supported green investment, but have practised it themselves and helped promote the concepts of green energy investment. Enter here
8. Energy Transition Fund Award
For investors who are proactively aiding the transition from carbon creating to renewable at net-zero activities by offering funds that encourage and reward this transition. The winner will need to demonstrate quantifiable data to show that its work has made a positive impact and a strategy for future progress. Enter here
9. Green Energy Fund Award
For investors who are offering net-zero or zero carbon funds. The winner will need to demonstrate quantifiable data to show that its work has made a positive impact and a strategy for future progress, and the methodology for determining selection on this criterion. Enter here
10. Low Carbon Transport Initiative of the Year
A major carbon emitter has been the transport sector, whether by road, sea or air. We are looking to celebrate companies that are actively seeking ways to reduce emissions and create carbon free methods of transportation. Innovation, scale and financial sustainability will all be considered in the submission. Enter here
11. Green Energy Company of the Year
For the company that has done most to create a carbon free environment globally. Initiatives such as net-zero targets, recycling, renewables and awareness should all figure in creating an holistic answer to the problems of reducing overall energy use. Enter here
12. Commercial Efficiency Award
This award is targeted at internal measures to reduce energy consumption and make the company more energy efficient, for example use of efficient lighting, energy efficient logistics or insulation programmes for energy reduction, buying renewable energy or moving to an EV fleet in terms of expanding with consideration of energy use. Enter here
13. Green Energy Disruptor
For the company, product or idea that has sparked a truly new line of thought or way of doing things that has left other companies to follow. His could be an actual physical device or software or even a method of doing business. Enter here
14. Partnership of the Year
This category celebrates the synergy between two different companies who have combined to create a compelling success story in green energy. A partnership could better a car maker and energy provider, or a financial concern and a tree-plating programme might be examples. Enter here
15. Education Award
For the company or organisation that has done the most to promote the understanding and adoption of clean energy in the UK. Enter here
16. Energy Impact Fund of the Year
For the investment fund that can demonstrate that it has made a direct and real impact to renewable energy investment. In this instance scale is less important than the potential funding may create, for example with start-up funding. Enter here
17. Community Energy Champion
Large companies can sometimes provide targeted and useful support to communities and their energy needs, going that extra mile to help ensure clean energy needs are met. A community can be geographical or by particular support need. Enter here
18. Transformation Award
Awarded to the company or organisation that has done the most to transform its energy use and reduce its carbon footprint in a holistic fashion – this could mean internal education, reducing travel, adoption of green energy or utilising clean energy generation. Partnerships are encouraged as well as individual applications. Enter here