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Early Bird Ticket - £495 +VAT

Who should attend:

The event is open to Packaging Professionals all the way down to trainees, COOs, Business Development Professionals, Sustainability Professionals, Logistics specialists, Material Technologists, Packaging Manufacturers, Packaging Specialists/Technologists, Sales/Marketing Managers, Packaging Purchasers, Supply Chain Optimisers, E-commerce professionals and many more. We expect great networking opportunities, including the ability to address issues and find solution providers.

Why you should attend:
- Understand the hot topics and current packaging issues facing the Retail, E-commerce, Sustainability and logistics industries.
- Find solutions to pertinent issues by listening to our experts and speaking to solution providers.
- Hear thought leaders and experts within the industry debate the sustainability challenges of the future.
- Learn about the emerging threats and what the industry can do to combat them.
- Learn more about current and future packaging materials, logistics and solutions.
- Learn from case studies and experience.


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