Refinitiv has announced the launch of the Future of Sustainable Data Alliance with the objective of accelerating capital inflows into sustainable finance, providing investors and governments with the data needed to meet the requirements of both regulators and customers for sustainable investments and products.
Comprising of Refinitiv, World Economic Forum, UN, IIF, ASIFMA, Tsinghua University, OMFIF, GFMA, Climate Bonds Initiative, FinTech4good, Everledger, Institute of Public and Environmental Affairs, Bank of Africa-BMCE and GoImpact, the Alliance aims to provide standardised information to quantify, measure and compare impact.
David Craig, CEO of Refinitiv, said: “The need to channel capital towards the UN SDGs is urgent and the financing requirement immense. Today, many asset managers state that they don’t have enough data to help finance major transitions such as changes in demographics, climate change or addressing the shifts in global markets. It is therefore critical to define and make ESG more of a science than an art. Refinitiv is proud to be a founding member of the Future of Sustainable Data Alliance and is committed to providing investors with the data they need to channel capital towards the financing of the SDGs.”
The Alliance is expected to grow over the coming months to include different stakeholder groups with deep expertise in areas covered by the UN SDGs. Its creation was inspired by Refinitiv’s partnership with the UN Secretary General’s Task Force on Digital Financing of the SDGs and the Future of Finance report, which demonstrated that the availability of reliable ESG data and SDG impact data is crucial for accelerating more SDG investments at scale.
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