Mutual insurer Royal London Group has joined the International Corporate Governance Network (ICGN) as part of its commitment to promote and support high standards of corporate governance.
The ICGN is a global investor-led organisation aimed at promoting investor stewardship and long-term benefits of good corporate governance. Members collectively possess assets under management in excess of $54trn. They are made up of asset owners such as pension funds and insurance companies as well as asset managers.
Membership of the organisation will provide a stronger voice with which to influence public policy as well as access to the latest trends across borders. The move follows Royal London’s signing to the UN’s Principles for Responsible Investment earlier this year.
Commenting on the move Lorna Blyth, head of investment solutions at Royal London, said: “Signing up to the ICGN will enable us to collaborate with other asset owners to positively influence issues around investor stewardships and promote high standards of corporate governance. It is an ideal next step in our responsible investment journey.”
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