Investors push Tesco on healthier food

Over 100 institutional and individual investors are filing a shareholder resolution asking Tesco to sell more healthier food.

Headed up by ShareAction, the resolution acknowledges that Tesco has done much to create healthier foods, running a series of independently evaluated in-store trials, some of which significantly shifted consumer purchasing toward healthier alternatives, and teaming-up with the charity BiteBack 2030 to offer tips and advice for feeding kids well over lock-down.

However, the resolution calls on Tesco to publish real health targets and underpinning strategy in its annual reports from 2022. While Tesco claims to measure the nutritional profile of its sales, it has not set targets for growing the proportion of healthy sales, unlike its competitors M&S and Sainsbury’s who have already or are planning to.

It also requests that it disclose the share sales made up of healthier products and publish a target to significantly increase that share by 2030 and publish an annual review of progress on delivering the strategy.

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