Cost of living to take major place in collaborations

The C&E Corporate-NGO Partnerships Barometer 2022 by C&E Advisory reveals that the vast majority of respondents (87 per cent of corporates and 86 per cent of NGOs) report that the cost-of-living crisis is featuring or will feature strongly or moderately in their cross-sector partnerships.

Two-thirds of corporate and NGO respondents identify the need to access hard-to-reach or low-income beneficiaries/customers; 61 per cent of corporates identify better determining the impact of their interventions; and almost all NGOs (95 per cent) identify the need to raise funds and generate resources as key ways in which partnerships between companies and charities are helping to address the challenges arising from the cost of living crisis.

In a related finding, the study reveals that many charities not directly involved in providing support related to the war in Ukraine believe that the war will divert funds and attention away from other corporate-NGO partnerships, damaging efforts to alleviate both the cost of living crisis and other major issues, including global warming.

Commenting on the findings, C&E Advisory CEO, Manny Amadi, said: “Findings from the Barometer also show that these crises are reinforcing the need for, and importance of, collaboration across sectors. Working together to access hard-to-reach customers and beneficiaries; gaining insights to sharpen the effectiveness of interventions; and working to secure much-needed resources – these are all important roles that companies, and charities are working together to address through well- designed collaborations.”

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