A study of 505 senior executives from the world’s largest companies, each employing more than 10,000 people, shows that 98% of companies making progress on targets and nearly two-thirds (62 per cent) of those surveyed have now made some form of public commitment or target to address carbon emissions reduction within their organisation.
While this rising percentage represents progress, only 12 per cent rate their sustainability efforts as “extremely successful,” and 75 per cent say they have already achieved the “quick wins” in their decarbonisation plan.
ENGIE Impact’s 2023 Net Zero Report has identified 12 major roadblocks to decarbonisation and six key actions to accelerate progress to net-zero. Six Actions to Accelerate Decarbonization, the third annual report delves into corporate transformation readiness, challenges to implementation, and the major decarbonisation roadblocks companies must overcome to reach net-zero.
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