UK pipeline of offshore reaches 98GW

The latest EnergyPulse market intelligence data report from RenewableUK shows that the UK’s pipeline of offshore wind projects has reached 97,944 MW.

A year ago the pipeline stood 91GW a year ago, while the global pipeline topped 1.23TW, an increase of nearly 400GW in the last year. The pipeline includes projects at every stage of development: operational, under construction, consented or planned.

UK commissioning forecasts show that all projects with a CfD, plus already consented capacity and capacity planning system will contribute to 40GW of commissioned capacity in the country by the end of 2029. The future does look brighter with 13.7GW fully operational, and 84.2GW slated for future new-build.

Globally, there are 1.23TW globally at all stages of development, in 38 countries, on all continents except Antarctica. Of this, 520GW in in Europe and 361GW in Asia.

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