Sky has announced plans to go net zero carbon by 2030 by cutting the emissions created from the use of its products, its suppliers across the world and by its business.
Having been a carbon neutral company from its direct emissions since 2006, Sky is now attempting to achieve net-zero carbon across its entire value chain. The company will become net-zero carbon with increasing energy efficiency, making every production, TV channel, show and film net-zero of carbon, moving its fleet of 5,000 vehicles to zero emissions, working with its 11,000 suppliers to help them achieve net-zero and planting trees, mangroves and seagrass to absorb the carbon where it cannot reduce emissions.
Sky will seek validation of its targets from the Science-Based Target Initiative and will publicly report its carbon footprint.
Sky will also use its channels and programming to encourage others to #GoZero, spreading the word to millions of people every day.
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